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021- 62308041 / 62307674 /
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0821 2298 3945
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021- 6458829 / 62308041
Whatapps :   085213251295 / 08161151837 / 081311593022 / 081808097410 / 08161978206 / 0821-22983945
Alamat :
Lindeteves Trade Center - LTC Glodok Lantai 2 Blok B19 No. 5
Jalan Hayam Wuruk No.127
Jakarta Barat 11180

lampu kolam, lampu kolam renang, lampu kolam renang led, lampu led underwater, lampu air mancur

Results 1 - 24 of 192
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Lampu Kolam Renang dan Lampu Air Mancur

Lampu Kolam Renang PAR38

Lampu bawah air PAR38 Underwater Lamp...

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Lampu Kolam GE R40 12V 300W E27 Pool Lamp

Lampu sorot kolam GE R40 12V 300W E27...

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Armature Lampu Air Mancur atau Kolam Renang PAR56

Housing atau Rumah Lampu Air Mancur /...

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Lampu Kolam Renang LED 30W 24V RGB Warna Warni

Lampu under water LED atau lampu bawah...

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Lampu kolam renang led par56 30 watt

Lampu kolam renang led par56 30 watt...

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Lampu Sorot Led Kolam Renang 24W 24V

Lampu Sorot Led Kolam Renang 24W 24V...

Current Stock Level

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Lampu Kolam Renang LED SMD 12W RGB Remote

Lampu Kolam Renang LED SMD 12W RGB...

Current Stock Level

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Lampu Sorot Kolam Renang 12v 9W Stainless

Lampu Sorot Kolam Renang 12v 9W...

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Lampu Kolam Renang 12 watt 12v

Lampu Kolam Renang 12 watt 12v atau...

Current Stock Level

Product details

Lampu Sorot Kolam Renang Air Mancur 12 watt Olux

Lampu Sorot Kolam Renang Air Mancur 12...

Current Stock Level

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Lampu Kolam Renang Halogen LED MR16 Stainless

Lampu Kolam Renang Halogen LED MR16...

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Lampu Kolam Renang 100W DC 12V Merk ASTRAL

Lampu kolam renang / swimming pool...

Current Stock Level

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Lampu Kolam Renang Halogen 75W 12V

Lampu kolam renang / swimming pool,...

Current Stock Level

Product details

Ballast Under Water Lampu Kolam Renang 12V 300W

Transformator 300 watt untuk merubah...

Current Stock Level

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Lampu Sorot Kolam Air Mancur LED 10W Cembung Hitam

Lampu sorot LED model cembung 10 watt...

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Lampu Kolam Renang PAR56 30w RGB Remote Multi Color

Lampu under water LED untuk kolam...

Current Stock Level

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Lampu Kolam Renang Led 12V 12W

Lampu Kolam Renang Led 12V 12W atau...

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Lampu Kolam Renang 12W RGB Remote Control

Lampu Kolam Renang 12W RGB Remote...

Current Stock Level

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Lampu Kolam Renang LED 12 watt Tanam Lantai atau Dinding

Lampu Kolam Renang LED 12 watt Tanam...

Current Stock Level

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Lampu Kolam Renang RGB 12 watt + Remote Control

Lampu Kolam Renang RGB 12 watt + Remote...

Current Stock Level

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Lampu Kolam Renang 20 watt 12V LED Underwater

Lampu Kolam Renang 20 watt 12V LED...

Current Stock Level

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Lampu Kolam Renang PAR56 12v 16w Astral UWL LED White

Lampu Kolam Renang PAR56 12v 16w Astral...

Current Stock Level

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Lampu Kolam Renang Halogen 50W 12V Diameter 29cm

Lampu Kolam Renang Halogen 50W 12V...

Current Stock Level

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Page 1 of 8



Perusahaan kami bergerak di bidang penjualan dan pengadaan segala jenis Lampu Sorot, Lampu Jalan, Lampu Industri, Indoor dan Outdoor

Pusat Lampu LED, seperti LED Industri, LED PJU, LED Sorot, LED Tube, LED Bulb, LED Arsitek, LED Advertising, LED Display, LED Interiors & Exteriors, dll




Lindeteves Trade Center - LTC Glodok Lantai 2 Blok B19 No. 3 & 5
Jalan Hayam Wuruk No.127 Jakarta Barat 11180

Telp. 021-62308041 / 021-62307674 / 021-6458829

Fax.  021-6458829 / 021-62308041

HP : 082122983945 / 08161151837 / 081808097410
HP : 085213251295 / 08161978206 / 081311593022

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